Palou/Ganassi lawsuit enters next phase


 Alex Palou and his Chip Ganassi Racing car were plenty fast on Sunday as the No. 10 Honda raced to third place at the Nashville Grand Prix IndyCar event.

The driver and team owner even embraced after the win and spoke together briefly for the first time since Ganassi sued Palou and his business ALPA Racing two weeks ago. But the olive branch was a temporary indulgence as new motions were filed on Monday, with competing requests to expedite and slow the legal proceedings.

Palou’s lawyers have filed a motion with the federal court in Indianapolis asking to stretch the process over the next 2.5 months — once the season ends on September 11 as not to distract their client – starting with:

1. Motion to Dismiss: Wed., Sept. 14

2. Discovery Requests Served: Mon., Sept. 19

3. Responses to Discovery Requests: Mon., Sept. 26

4. Substantial Completion of Document Production: Tues., Oct. 4

5. Completion of Fact Deposition (& Fact Discovery Closes): Tues., Oct. 11

6. Expert Reports: Fri., Oct. 14

7. Rebuttal Expert Reports: Fri., Oct. 19

8. Completion of Expert Depositions: Fri., Oct. 21

9. Plaintiff’s Updated PI Brief: Mon., Oct. 24

10. Defendants’ PI Opposition: Fri., Oct. 28

11. PI Hearing: Week of Oct. 31

On the other side, Ganassi’s lawyers are seeking to accelerate the lawsuit through its filings of a Motion For Prompt Status and Scheduling Conference, Request For Prompt Hearing On Preliminary Injunction, and Motion For Expedited Discovery. Magistrate Judge Debra McVicker Lynch of the United States Southern District of Indiana has set a new date of August 11 for a status call with both parties.

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