Razo rebounds in drivers' championship after victory in Guadalajara


Ranks 12th when getting the checkered flag in the past date

 After his second victory, first of the year, during his time in the NASCAR Mexico Series, on the fourth date of the campaign at the Trióvalo de Guadalajara, the driver from the capital, Xavi Razo, is in 12th place in the drivers' championship with 105 units.

 On the opening date, in Chiapas, Razo was among the first places when a contact with another car left him out with three laps to go.

 While, in Querétaro, the second stop on the calendar, the story for the 32-year-old from the capital repeated itself, since when he was among the first four places he suffered a blow that sent him against the wall and left him out of the competition. .

 Meanwhile, at the Dorado Speedway oval in Chihuahua, the third challenge of the year, Razo was leading for more than 20 laps of the night race, before retiring due to contact.

 The driver of the car marked with the number 7 LaFlorDeCórdoba-LÖSEN-Orpack-PIPSA-EnlaceAmbiental-Contempora-PETenvasesDeOccidente-MotionSports-BrevesDeportivas-M&A achieved the good pace he had shown in the first three commitments of the campaign in the land of Guadalajara, but where the luck had not favored him.

 “It is a dream result because it had been long in coming, despite the fact that we had been looking for it in each race, this victory belongs to everyone and we are going for more. Thanks to the team and my coach Jordi Vidal who never stopped believing that we could win”, said Xavi.

 "The objective is to win again in Puebla, we need more victories, because we started the season badly, but we are in a good moment to come back", considered the member of the Prime Sports team.

 Xavi Razo and the team, technically commanded by Jordi Vidal, are working on the configuration of a car for the Puebla circuit. It will be the first date of the year in which they will face a circuit, so they will work together for the first time on a set-up where the steering wheel will turn left and right over 75 laps of the 2,590-meter-long track. .

 The fifth date of the category will take place on July 17 at the Miguel E. Abed International Racetrack in Amozoc, Puebla.

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